Accessibility is essential for developers and organisations that seek to create high quality digital and print content, and not exclude people from using their products and services.

Typefaces are the foundation of accessible visual reading experience. Choosing a performant typeface that enhances legibility and readability for people with poor vision, learning disabilities, aphasia, dyslexia or low adult literacy is of paramount importance to ensure written information is as accessible as possible.

If a font is not designed in a particular way, it might make it difficult for the reader to tell the difference between letter shapes and ultimately make it hard or impossible to understand what is written.

Introducing Verdante - a brand new Verdana inspired typeface.
With type on-screen, in the small sizes, resolution and pixels used to play a central role. That's why Verdana's terminal corners were cut at an angle to avoid the jagged pixels.​​​​​​​
Since screen limitation is no longer a problem, Verdante's terminal corners were drawn sharp.
Design considerations were based on research projects and publications by Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation.

Guidelines include:

1. Minimise the occurrence of imposter letter shapes
2. Minimise the occurrence of mirroring letter shapes
3. Letters should be easily distinguishable from one another
4. Ensure the typeface has adequate letter spacing
5. Ensure a visible difference between capital height and ascenders
Other details include lower case l and y have curved tails, to make characters appear more friendly.
Verdante Bold is 15% thinner than Verdana Bold, making it more compact and elegant.
Multi language character sets are in the process of development.
To encourage good practice around accessibility, the typeface would be distributed free of charge with an accompanying digital handbook.

To further inform and engage with designers and typography enthusiasts, an Instagram profile would be created featuring valuable educational posts.
Verdante Typeface

Verdante Typeface
