Agnieszka Wajda's profile

Goście w Kompoście / Guests in the Compost

(Guests in the Compost)

Some of the spreads from the picturebook made for competition for an illustrated children's book project, organized by Dwie Siostry - polish publishning house, 
Writer:           Aleksandra Chrupek
Illustrator:      Agnieszka Wajda

Janusz Pokrzywiński moves with his wife and young cocker-spaniel Jolka to a newhouse in the suburbs. He arranges the garden practically, trying to fully subjugate the wildnature. However, he leaves one fragment of the plot which he does not tend to at all - a composter. Where nature has the fullright to express itself and its freedom, a vibrant place iscreated. This is where the story of "Guests in the Compost" takes place.
Compost is presented as a "hotel for creatures" - Grand Compost Hotel, where, as in any hotel, all employees have a role to play. European Mole Cricketis the manager, Earthworms a rereceptionists, Earwigs work in security, Ants are responsible for food supplies, and Bacteria take care of the heating in the facility. All these characters were created based on knowledge of nature, with a particular focus on their unique abilities.

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©2021 Copyright by Agnieszka Wajda Illustrations
Goście w Kompoście / Guests in the Compost


Goście w Kompoście / Guests in the Compost
