Stockpile Superstore Interactive Map

As part of my HND year studying I was tasked with creating an interactiv map. Using on experience working in the retail sector I opted to create an interactive map based off of a superstore, that woudl help users navigate the labyrinth of a large superstore, whilst creating a tool that could help employees with their work, and allow them to assist cusotmers.

As the map for the assignement was to be viewed as a project in its alpha stage the maps are smaller than the intended scale. The customer map makes use of external assets, such as trees and a zebra crossing, to frame the map and define its edges.

Some icons appear on the map that can be used to provide overlays on the map, allowing for more information to be seen or hidden. For example a zone overlay for the store to help users narrow down where in the store they wish to go.
The map works off a database that stores a list of users details, so that the company version of the map needs a log in. It uses a database to store information on markers that when clicked on, will display extra information. For the mean time this is only a handful of fire extinguishers, showing their information plaque saying what fires to use them on. I would liek to expand it to contain further information such as inspection dates. 

Interactive map

Interactive map
