Kylie Mena's profile

Planned Parenthood

Project Brief: In my sophomore Graphic Design Fundamentals II course we were asked 'What is a cause that is dear to you?' 'What is an organization that you can promote proudly?' For me that was Planned Parenthood. We were asked to create a series of promotional posters.

Scope: Poster Design, Research, Brand Messaging, Illustration

Process: Discover, Refined Research, Ideate, Prototype, Refine, Final 

Context: This is a school project and not real at all!
We had to do target audience research and create a nickname for said target audience. I decided to target hard working women who struggle to find time to go to the physical facilities. I called them Wonder Women and for my campaign I was going to promote Planned Parenthood's Telehealth feature so they don't have to stop their entire day to utilize the services. We also had to create a call to action and a new brand manifesto.
This was my first pass at the project but once the semester was over I realized I could illustrate these much better and also really push that halftone look. I also didn't enjoy how similar each of the posters looked, all of the type treatment was exactly the same and I wanted them to look more unique and maybe have some reference to the superwoman in each cover.
Here is a speedpaint of the redone scarlet witch. I ended up designing the cover in Illustrator, then placing that template into Procreate so I could illustrate the hero with spacing in mind. Then exported the woman alone and compiled/edited the images in Photoshop. I tried very hard in this new version to emphasize that halftone look and textured look. This was the end result:
This is the very first version put next to the most recent and final iteration of the project. I hope those reading this message enjoyed watching the process from start to finish. 

Thank you!
Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood
