Samantha Kay's profile

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea Book Covers
We were assigned a specific book to design three covers for. We were instructed to design a cover based on typography, one using physical elements, and the final cover was up to the artist. I was assigned the book called "The Old Man and the Sea" about a man who is on the sea for years and years. The overall takeaway from the book is diligent persistence, never giving up. 
I began researching more information about the book, book covers that have already been designed, and other book covers that would be inspiration for this project. Then I began sketching. 
After sketching, I put my ideas into Adobe Illustrator and came up with these:
I made refinements:
After receiving feedback from my classmates and professors, I decided on my final covers and make a few more adjustments. 
The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea


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