April-May 2021
In the spring of 2021, as the COVID-19 vaccine became available to everyone over the age of 18, our Information Outreach team was tasked with creating a vaccination campaign for our community, which would be shared by a coalition of local agencies and organizations.

Our primary push of the #VaxUpManatee campaign took place in April and May of 2021. We created a Vax Up, Manatee! website, where residents, visitors, businesses and local organizations and agencies could download the digital and print materials we created.

The campaign included print materials, distributed at vaccination sites, and a large social media push that included posts, stories and videos in English and Spanish, targeting populations with lower vaccination rates, including our minority communities and younger demographics. We also created graphics for digital signage, displayed on signs outside County facilities and on the digital signs of coalition members' facilities.

Print Materials

Our Graphic Designer created a Vax Up logo to tie the campaign together.

We created and printed "I Got Vaccinated" stickers (our take on "I Voted!" stickers) and “Selfie Cards” to hand out at vaccination sites. The Selfie Cards looked like vaccination cards but encouraged people to list the reasons they got vaccinated and share selfies with the card on social media.
Social Media

The team created 40 social media posts and stories (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, NextDoor, TikTok) utilizing the #VaxUpManatee and #NationalSuperheroDay hashtags.

We also created a #VaxUpMantee toolkit with Facebook profile frames, custom social graphics, banners, GIFs and more.

- Total combined digital efforts (all organic) reached audience of 165,000
- Nearly 6,500 total engagements on social posts
- 6 #VaxUpManatee GIFs on Giphy had 1.65 million views

Our team created four videos in English and Spanish, targeting different populations with lower vaccination rates.

