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Princess Bride Sticker Designs

Princess Bride Stickers by Christie Bryant
Making vectors stickers was entirely too much fun! The only problem that I came across was trying to narrow down my ideas. I wanted to stick to a theme (just cause I like themes), so, I chose to go with one of my all time favorite movies: The Princess Bride. 

The sketchpad is always my jumping off point. Sketching enables my workflow to go so much smoother. When I'm sketching, I don't feel pressure to make my illustrations look perfect -- I can just jot down whatever ideas or thoughts come to mind. 

Next, I moved to Adobe Illustrator and made some vector drafts. Afterward, when I felt like I was close to the way I felt my Princess Bride characters should look, I reached out to some fellow vector designers for some critiques. The ideas I received were very helpful. One idea was to make the mouths either much bigger, or much smaller. Another idea was to break the characters out of their circles by making the circles smaller. 

I experimented with making the mouths bigger, but it looked WAY too weird on everyone but Vizzini, "Inconceivable!"

Then, I tried focusing on each character individually. I kept Vizzini's mouth bigger, made Fezzik's side burns big and furry (because a giant needs giant sideburns). I made sure Inigo Montoya had his mustache along with the scars the six-fingered man left on his cheeks. Last, I made Buttercup and Westley's hair stand out (there are quite a few 'hair' shots in the movie). Because I was making the "As You Wish" sticker I wanted to create Westley and Buttercup when they fall in love: Pre Dread Pirate Roberts and Princess Buttercup. 
In the end, I set them free! I took them out of the circles all together.

I'm happy with the final stickers but definitely want to add more to the collection. I have SO many ideas for The Princess Bride stickers! 

Now that my stickers are completed, I focused on printing them. Printify seemed like the best choice for me because they automatically connect everything to your Etsy store. Genius! We officially live in the future! 

I can't believe how much I like the idea of print-on-demand stickers. How did I not know this before? I'm officially selling stickers on Etsy now. 

Here's a look at the stickers in action: 
Thanks for checking out my work. If you're interested, here's a link to my Etsy store: 
Princess Bride Sticker Designs

Princess Bride Sticker Designs
