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This D&AD brief challenged us to reposition menopause as something affecting people of all ages, highlighting how its absence from mainstream media is detrimental to women, trans-men and non-binary people of all ages. The outcome needed to tackle the lack of awareness surrounding menopause, positively disrupt stigmas and spread a new message to a wide audience.

Menopause is a completely natural part of life. Half the population will experience it, yet the world pretends it doesn’t exist. But it does. And it shows up in many different ways. With 93% of people feeling surprised by their symptoms, its time that menopause was represented as more than an old, batshit crazy lady with a hot flush. It’s time to make diverse menopause experiences visible.

R29 and The Case for Her has partnered to launch, UNPAUSE; a campaign, a platform, a conversation, uncovering menopausal experiences that are hiding in plain sight to highlight our unawareness.

The UNPAUSE plugin and a series of real-world interruptions removes content made by people who have/will transition to menopause, alerting you to just how prevalent and diverse menopause is.

Want to unpause the disruption? The UNPAUSE website uncovers menopause in the media, provides trusted resources, real stories and a community forum. 

We’ll teach everyone on the street how to make a change and UNPAUSE, talking about menopause everywhere—disrupting stigmas and spreading the truth.

Enough ignorance. See real representation. It’s time to unpause the menopause conversation. 

UNPAUSE. Let’s see menopause in the mainstream.



Menopause is a completely natural part of life. Half the population will experience it, yet the world pretends it doesn’t exist. But it does. And Read More
