Rami Sebaaly's profile

Experimental Typographic Posters

What's the story?
Each one of us has an ideal image about how our body should look like. We all work so hard to achieve that. But what we fail to recognize is that there’s different body types, skin, lips, face, eyes, breasts, butts.. the more you keep trying to mold your body into one specific shape, the more you’ll be disappointed. Not being able to look in the mirror without judging every little inch of you. Wearing baggy clothes to try to hide what you think is ugly or isn’t pretty enough, or attractive enough. That’s not how it works. Your body is your temple. Cherish it. Treat it like you’d treat your best friend. Love it, shower it with love and understanding. 

These posters are a reminder that Society has a distorted perception of beauty. Beauty is falsely viewed and perceived. Aiming to fit the norms of beauty shouldn’t be your goal. You’re beautiful the way you are.
Quick video showing the work flow and experimentation.
Experimental Typographic Posters


Experimental Typographic Posters
