Muhammad Fadlan Ramadhan's profile

Revitalization of Bekasi Train Station


Architectural Design Studio Final, Brawijaya University
Professor: Ir. Heru Sufianto, M.Arch., ST., Ph.D
Location: Bekasi, West Java
Year: 2019

The city of Bekasi is identified as a satellite city or a city that is near a big city with the community depend on that big city. Usually the citizen of this satellite city are commuters of the big city nearby including Bekasi City. The connector betwen satellite cities and big cities is the key to commuting activities which can be provided by public transportation modes such as Train. In this case, DKI Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is the centre of all commuter activities. A city that is used as a centre and the main destination to conduct activities by commuters who depend on big cities.
Revitalization of Bekasi Train Station

Revitalization of Bekasi Train Station
