Decay series came about from years of observing my grandparents. And how their inability to let go of the emotional past, waited on them greatly and inevitably affected there way of perceiving their lives in the present.

Its also how that emotional past or past experiences build up onto our psyche holding us down making us incapable of seeing things with a broader perspective.

It is in part the story of all of us to a certain degree. Some cary less because of the tools they have acquired learning to let go. And some carry more, with no tools to treat the emotional past one eventually drown in there own persona built on shadow memories. To people like this the present is a place that is not lived but occasionally visited when for some reason they are able to escape for a short time there emotional past.

What I have Seen
My Tears
Family History



Decay is a series came about from years of observing others who cary heavily there emotional past with them.
