Sunday July 4th 2021, marks Britain's first ever national Thank You Day. A chance for everyone in the country to simply say 'thank you' to any individual or any organisation who has lent a helping hand, expressed kindness or made a positive difference over the past year and half.

We were brought in at the last minute by our good pals and TYD instigators The Good Beer Company, The Royal Volunteer Service  and The Together Coalition to help elevate a key aspect of Thank You Day, called Cheers For Volunteers.
Cheers For Volunteers has a two-pronged intent - expressing our gratitude to the legions of heroic volunteers who have helped keep the country going during the pandemic, whilst also celebrating the Great British Boozer, the thousands of pubs who have struggled so badly in recent months.

We are arming thousands of pubs up and down the country with a toolkit, the Cheers For Volunteers Pub Pack, that provides these hallowed cornerstones of our communities everything they need to bring people together on Sunday, host a Thank You Day event and encourage their punters to raise a glass and say a countrywide 'Cheers For Volunteers!' at 5pm.

We'd love you to get involved too, tell someone you love how grateful you are of them and take them for a drink this Sunday in your favourite local. You can find out more at

Project Made For


This Sunday marks Britain's first ever national Thank You Day. A chance for everyone in the country to simply say 'thank you' to any individual o Read More
