Sharon Gracelin's profile

Dhriti and her Determination

Dhriti was a fiery little girl who lived with her mother on the outskirts of town. When she was walking down the lane one evening, she came across a small girl walking joyfully holding hands with her father. She began to ache for the bond she had just witnessed.
​​​​​​​ She came home distraught because she had never met her father and decided to ask her mother about her father.
Dhriti's mother was a busy woman who worked long and hard hours to make ends meet. Dhriti had never felt her father's absence until now because her mother Neeti was all she needed. She sat quietly next to her mother. Dhriti began by asking, "Maa, why aren't we living with Papa?"
Neeti, who knew Dhriti would eventually wonder about her father, decided it was time for her to find out the truth. "Your father lives in the city," Neeti explained. Dhriti was surprised and wanted to meet him right away. Neeti, who was initially hesitant about Dhriti meeting her father, realised that Dhriti had made her decision and she wouldn't be able to change it.
Dhriti's mother took her to the metropolis view point and gave her little information about her father's whereabouts. All that mattered to Dhriti was seeing her father and feeling his love. Neeti promised Dhriti that no matter what happened the next day, she would always be there for her.
Dhriti couldn't sleep all night thinking about how great it would be to finally meet her father. She got up early the next morning and rushed to the bus station.
After getting on the bus, she sat in her seat, looking at an old crumbled picture of her father and a news paper clipping with address.
After arriving at the city. Dhriti wandered the streets until she found someone who gave her directions to the address. She found the people of the city to be warm and welcoming.
She had finally arrived at her father's address, and she was overjoyed. Her father's large mansion took her by surprise.      She entered the gates and proceeded to the house, where she came to a halt by the window and saw the same man in the photograph, but an older version of him. She was taken aback to see him sitting with a small child on his lap.
Dhriti was conflicted, but she mustered the courage to go inside. The residents of the house were surprised to see her come in, and before they could question her, Dhriti began talking, showing her father the old picture and explaining the reason for her visit.
Before she could finish, a lady she assumed to be her stepmother jumped in and stopped her from arguing further, saying that there is no one here to assist her with what she was looking for. Dhriti was evicted by her own father. Dhriti, heartbroken, walked to the bus station to return home.
Waiting for the bus at the bus station was the most painful hour she had ever spent. As she was crying, she noticed a book fall beside her from a man's bag, but before she could return it, the man had left. She took the book in her hand and noticed the title, which read "King Dhruva."
On the way home, she read the book and discovered that the protagonist of the book, King Dhruva, was also an outcast by his father, and as she read about how he coped with being rejected by his father by remaining determined and working hard towards his passion, he rose to greatness and remained as a pole star.
Despite being devastated by rejection, she discovered a spark after reading this book. She returned home and used the same tool that King Dhruva used, which was hard at work towards wisdom. She recognised herself in Dhruva and studied day and night.
She soon graduated from college and landed a great job that she had always wanted. She had regained all of the world's happiness. She bought a house and moved her mother in with her. Later in life, she realised that everything happens for a reason, and that her visit to see her father, while breaking her heart, taught her an important lesson about determination.
Dhriti watches Dhruva's pole star every night and strives to be determined every day.
Dhriti and her Determination

Dhriti and her Determination

Life lessons from ancient stories of Bharat
