Laura Luciani's profile


Info-graphic & Data Visualization: Millennials Vs. Gen Z

Brief: Communication of information & Complex data visualization. Creating an info-graphic or data visualization on a topic that interests you. Using only 2 spot colours and preparing info-graphic for print.

Project Goals:
• Demonstrate a practical understanding of information visualization, data visualization and info-graphics and what each entail by conducting research.
• Apply various forms and systems to visually present a selected data set or theme through concept ideation.
• Demonstrate practical knowledge of composition, layout and visual hierarchy technique, and create a visual narrative.
• Produce a high standard and quality of work within the given time frame.
• Apply an evidence-based approach to motivate all decisions.


Millennials vs. Generation Z

Considering the above research and development I have decided to choose the topic of Millennial verses Generation Z and visualize data compiled such as interesting facts, differences, traits and characteristics of each generation and how they differ in an infographic format.
 I chose this topic as many miss label these two generations and mistake up Gen z for Millennials. Gen Z enjoy learning and being self-aware and therefore an informative yet fun infographic will be very suitable (Edwards, 2017).
Statement of purpose
⦁    The goal of this proposed communication is to educate and inform Gen Z about their generation as well as the Millennial generation that came before them (Fakhry, 2018).
core insights
Generation Z Insights
Known as the generation that will and is transforming the system.
⦁    Visual learners (Edwards, 2017).
⦁    Use smart phones , love instagram, TikTok and snapchat, Listen to music on Spotify, watch movies on Netflix (Get Smarter, 2019).
⦁    Popular trends and styles: VSCO girl (Nieves, 2019), E-Boy and soft girl (Thomson, 2019).
⦁    Famous Gen Z celebs include – Billie Eilish, XXXtentaction , Kylie Jenner (Media & Entertainment, 2019).
⦁    Creative and masters of social media (Fakhry, 2018).
⦁    Born into the digital age of smart phones, internet and social Media (Get Smarter, 2019).
⦁    Prefer Snapchat and Instagram as social media platforms due to their visual nature (Edwards, 2017).
⦁    Realists and Future focused individuals – sensible, realistic and practical (Fakhry, 2018).
⦁    Accepting of others (Get Smarter, 2019).
⦁    Globally aware - Socially, ethically and politically sensitive, educated and aware (Fakhry, 2018).
⦁    Most educated generation (Fakhry, 2018).
⦁    Environmentally and ethically conscious this can be seen through large amounts of Gen z being vegan (Get Smarter, 2019).
⦁    Want their voice to be heard and fight for change – Change seekers and justice minded
⦁    Technologically savvy and advanced (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    Self-aware and self-expressive (Indeed, 2017).
⦁    Want to be entertained (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    Value authenticity and search for truth (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    Impatient and are known for multi-tasking (Indeed, 2017).
⦁    A large portion of Generation z say they hope to become entrepreneurs one day or turn their hobbies into a career. This is due to the growth of the internet and technology allowing this. They are also able to earn money at a much earlier age than previous generations as they can make money off internet sites such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or sell products on websites like EBay etc. (Edwards, 2017).

Millennial Insights
⦁    This generation is seen as optimistic as well as narcissistic as the selfie culture was born in this generation (Bookings, 2019).
⦁    The have an idealistic view of the world (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    They are tech- savvy (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    Transparent open and honest recognition (Indeed, 2017).
⦁    They are more present (Bookings, 2019).
⦁    Tolerant of others (ELearning Industry, 2020).
⦁    Multicultural Millennials bring ethnic and racial diversity as 55% of this generation is non-Hispanic white this is an increase in ethnic diversity in comparison to previous generations such as generation x and boomers (Bookings, 2019).
⦁    They enjoy sharing interests (Edwards, 2017).
⦁    Want to be discovered (Edwards, 2017).
⦁    Used phones that were not smart phones, listened to music on CD, Popular social media include Facebook and mixIt, whateched tapes – VHS on TV.
⦁    Well known tredns and styles: Preppy, EMO, Skater

Infographic Insights
⦁    There are multiple ways of visualizing data (Harmer, 2019).
⦁    Scanning patterns (The IIE Vega, 2020).
⦁    Hierarchy (Balliett, 2017).  
⦁    Elements and Principles of design (Harmer, 2019).
⦁    Accessible and usable information (Balliett, 2017).  
⦁    Interpret data into useful and understandable information (Harmer, 2019).
⦁    Apply design fundamentals to promote accessibility and usability in visual designs (The IIE Vega, 2020).
⦁    Select the most suitable data and information visualization method (The IIE Vega, 2020).
⦁    Create graphs and data Visualizations for infographics (The IIE Vega, 2020).
⦁    Create a visual narrative using hierarchy (The IIE Vega, 2020).
Target audience
The target audience is Generation Z - teens and young adults of this generation, as they enjoy being educated on topics and are visual learners I feel like an informative infographic that is eye catching will do well with engaging with this target audience and informing them (Robertson, 2019). Gen Z are known for being self-aware and as one of the most educated generations this infographic will help them further understand their generation and the one that came before them in a visual way (Robertson, 2019).
contact points
⦁    Social media such as Instagram and Snapchat or TikTok as according to the above research Gen Z prefer these social media plat forms due to their visual nature (Edwards, 2017).
mood and tone
I would like the infographic to be aesthetically pleasing, youthful, fun and informative to connect with the traits of Gen Z (Fakhry, 2018).
positioning statement
This piece of communication seeks to educate, inform in a fun visual way to engage with the youthful nature of generation Z and to spread knowledge and awareness of the similarities and differences of Millennials and Generation Z as Gen Z are known as a Generation that is self aware, socially aware and the most educated (Robertson, 2019).
what is being said
Showing Millennials versus Generation Z in terms of:
Age, years, Characteristics, about, traits, attributes of each generation (Robertson, 2019).
how it will be said
I will use a comparison Infographic format to display this data visually and show both generations characteristics and facts in an aesthetic, eye catching and informative way (Robertson, 2019).
visual style
I would like a visual style that is eye catching, visual and Informative while looking good with the 2 spot colours. The visual style will be simple, fun and youthful to relate to Gen Z and grab attention.


I chose a Comparison style Infographic about Millennial vs. Gen Z as according to my research and strategic direction this format was most suitable to display the information as I had two data sets to compare (Thompson, 2019).
Tone: Fun yet informative while looking simple, modern. I chose this tone as Gen Z like to be entertained and enjoy learning about themselves and the world (Indeed, 2017).
Contact Points: Most popular Gen Z apps - Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok therefore these social media apps would be my main contact points (Media & Entertainment, 2019).
Why selected core message: As can be seen in my strategic I chose to show Millennial versus Gen Z celebrities and to show the evolution of technology as well as trends throughout the generations as these are fun interesting facts to educate Gen Z in a playful way.
Layout: I split my infographic vertically in half - one side to represent Millennials and the other Gen Z  
I split it horizontally in three parts to show my selected data –
⦁    celebrities of each generation,
⦁    an evolution graphic showing how technology etc. has evolved
⦁    I represented the fashion trends and styles of the time and related items.
Data Visualization and Inclusivity: I chose symbols and imagery to be inclusive of all languages and as visual as possible as Gen Z are visual in nature. I chose to put celebrity names in writing as even different languages will still recognize names. The content is fun, interesting and youthful displayed in a non-cluttered and visual way to grab attention and to not overwhelm the target audience (Indeed, 2017).
The focal point is the center graphic showing evolution of technology that is then supported by the Top section of celebrities and bottom section of trends. I used high contrast and sizable symbols in order to cater for all languages, color blindness and to be seen for a distance.
Sharp edge sans serif type for a legible modern yet competitive playful, youthful edge to the piece.
Spot Colors: pink and Blue. I color switched these two shades off of the TikTok Logo as my target audience is Gen Z and this is a very popular amongst Gen Z. Blue represents knowledge, trust, authenticity and calmness while pink was used to add contrast be eye catching and grab attention of the target audience.
Modern Flat Vector Style: That is bright to grab attention and interest of the busy and distracted Gen Z’s fun interesting facts while simultaneously modern and simple. I chose this style as this will best connect with my chosen target audience – Gen Z (Bookings, 2019).
They are overwhelmed with an abundance of information at their fingertips therefore having an infographic that is eye catching yet simple and neat will help grab their attention.


