Hazel Oros's profile

Packaging | Kefir Spread

Kefir Spread Label Design
Controversial statements on dairy products have raised awareness about whether they’re free from artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and made of real milk that comes from healthy/non hormone treated cows. It’s been said these are some of the characteristics that represent overall the quality of the product.

The purpose of designing the label for a kefir spread is to be able to distribute the product over delicacy food chain stores across the country to a potential costumer that is concerned about the quality of the dairy products they consume.

To accomplish the desirable results, delicate and unsaturated earthy colors are set on the label portraying a healthy grass-fed cow showing the main attributes on the production of such natural product.
Project developed for NABA Certification (Packaging) Supervised by
NABA G7 Certified Professor which consisted in 2 reviews and one
final presentation.
Packaging | Kefir Spread

Packaging | Kefir Spread
