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Should You Hire a Hacker?

Should You Hire A Hacker?
Hiring a hacking service can provide expert insight into how an organization can effectively strengthen the security of its network and systems, provided that the organization recognizes and has prepared for the threats. Hiring a hacking service can provide expert insight into how an organization can effectively strengthen the security of its network and systems, provided that the organization recognizes and has prepared for the threats.

Hackers are considered professionals in the field of cybersecurity, or more accurately, in tactics of cyber intrusion, in the same way, that doctors are considered specialists in the medical profession. Hackers know how to break into a network and acquire access to a company's sensitive data.

Ethical hackers are aware of the techniques used by harmful hackers, but they are more interested in assisting enterprises in identifying and securing vulnerabilities rather than exploiting them.

Hierarchy of Hackers
1. Script Kiddies - Script kids are at the bottom of the hacker food chain. They are typically young, tech-savvy individuals who are more interested in investigating the Darknet and putting their own capabilities to the test than in carrying out targeted attacks.
Script kids frequently find vulnerabilities by accident while tinkering with electronics. Script kids will typically continue their activities until they are detected or access is banned once they discover valuable or confidential information, such as a celebrity's password.

2. White-Hat Hackers — White-hat hackers (also known as ethical hackers) are more experienced and well-respected than script kiddies. Because they have no prior involvement in illegal operations, people in this group gain the public's trust more easily than other hackers. Ethical hackers are motivated by a desire to help others rather than harming them.

3. Gray-Hat Hackers — Gray-hat hackers, such as Kevin Mitnick, are reformed "bad" hackers who attempted unlawful hacking in the past. These hackers used to operate on the "dark side" with the purpose of harming users through unlawful actions, but they now utilize their expertise to help users and organizations uncover weaknesses in their systems, frequently as a result of life-changing events.

4. Black-Hat Hackers — Black-hat hackers concentrate on breaching the law with declared intent. This group includes hackers who engage in disruptive behavior against enterprises for monetary gain. These hackers frequently exploit their expertise for personal gain, and their objective is either criminal or closely tied to criminal activity.
Suicide hackers are frequently linked to terrorist or vigilante organizations. Anonymous, a decentralized multinational group notorious for its attacks on governments and other well-known public corporations, is one such group. This group of hackers takes an anti-establishment stance in support of causes such as political, terrorist, or disruptive operations.

Is it Necessary to Hire a Hacker?
Organizational leaders have a high level of trust and confidence in their IT department's abilities. Why would management feel the need to bring in an outside party when these departments are full of skilled and hardworking personnel dedicated to preserving a company's systems?

While IT professionals are frequently adept at devising and implementing security measures, hackers have the capacity to think outside the box and circumvent them. It's possible that the strategies they employ aren't even on the radar of properly qualified IT specialists.

Hiring ethical hackers, who have the same natural interest and mindset as criminal hackers, can assist a company in "testing" its network security before a genuine cyberattack.

This technique, which is carried out with the assistance of the IT department, aids in the identification of vulnerabilities and the verification of device and system security measures. The information gathered can aid the IT department in improving its security.
Identifying and vetting a hacker or a hacking service
When deciding whether or not to use an ethical hacking firm, one of the first questions to ask is whether or not the hackers can be trusted. These people will be in charge of finding a system's flaws, which could lead to access to highly valuable and sensitive data.

The criteria of the organization
Is the goal to detect system weaknesses that haven't been discovered yet? Is it to determine whether or not employees are cyber-ready? Is the goal to see how stable the organization's network is? If the goals and purpose of hiring a hacking firm are specified clearly, it will be easier to assess what skills and services are required.

Conducting an inventory audit across the company
Conduct a detailed inventory of your organization's assets as part of the planning process. An organizational inventory assessment detects all of the system's networked devices, as well as any valuable data held in its systems. This list will aid in determining what dangers (vulnerabilities) each asset entails, as well as which devices hackers should test.

Checking references and vetting
An organization should contact a human resources consultant at this phase to ensure proper vetting of the selected individual(s) or service. A thorough and extensive background check, several character reference verifications, and past customer recommendations should all be included at the very least in this procedure.
evaluating the talents and abilities of hackers

Organizational leaders should evaluate candidates' capabilities and skills as part of the vetting process to ensure they have the technical and physical control skills required to analyze the organization's systems.

Knowledge of software and hardware devices such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems are examples of technical controls (IPS). Physical control systems that prevent physical entry into structures must be understood by the candidates.

A Hacking Service's Expected Results
What benefits can a company expect from hiring an ethical hacking service to find vulnerabilities? The short solution is mental tranquility.

Using a hacking service, the company can find out if someone has unauthorized access to its systems or network. It could also find out that its software hasn't been updated with the latest security patch or that it's no longer maintained by the vendor.

Insider risks and flaws can potentially be exposed via the hacking service. Employees frequently highlight blind spots inside the business via their regular interactions, whether intentionally or unintentionally. A vulnerability check can reveal employee or partner actions that put the company at risk

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Should You Hire a Hacker?


Should You Hire a Hacker?


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