May Lai's profileShing Mei Lai's profile

DVB102 | Self-Representation & Professional Identity

The design of my logo: line art is used for my self-portrait. The one single unbroken line expresses my main style of minimal & simple design. Furthermore, the circle and words represent comfort, fluency and connection, which also reflect my key words of communication, variety and creativity. The aim of my logo is to allow anyone to evoke their thoughts and emotions through my minimal style of design and visual experience. Furthermore, I want to give the lines in the art to become more powerful and emotional.
"Hi, my name is Lai Shing Mei (May). I am a second year QUT student studying interior architecture design. I think feelings, inspiration, and creativity are so important to an interior designer, as well as the driving force of design. I hope everyone can evoke their thoughts and emotions through my simple style of design and visual experience in the future design field, whether it is interior, graphic or visual."
This video is about the habits of my daily life and my personality. I love visiting art galleries and shooting scenery so much as most of my drawing and design inspirations come from there. In the art gallery, I can explore the design, medium, style and culture from a variety of artists and designers. On the contrary, shooting landscape is a place to explore my own style and use my own way of shooting to get inspiration from the view. For example, these few landscape photos in this video are to convey a feeling of freedom, simplicity and beauty. Eating is also one of my interests, the arrangement, color and taste of food are very important to me because I like everything to be perfect. In terms of friends, family and partners, our way of getting along is very harmonious and enjoyable. Outdoor activities and sharing our own things with each other are what we do daily. 
This is my design intent which creates a strong connection and meaningful work to evoke the emotions of anyone with creativity and love minimal design. Firstly, I used a photo of my hands folded together (like praying) as the base photo to show that I was born in a Christian family. I turned the photos into black and white because colours are too close to reality and have the opportunity to interfere with the subject of my work.  On the contrary, black and white photos have a kind of emotional power, and people can enter the abstract world at any time. Connect to the map that overlaps my face, it is a place where I was born – Hong Kong. I chose to use a map of Hong Kong in this work as it is my home and a place I love and represents the most. Furthermore, I filled the entire map with the Hong Kong flag, the red colour represents love and passion. The background of the image is a text about my life values, to convey my identity with various personalities and interests, so that everyone can understand me more easily.
DVB102_Self-Representation & Professional Identity
DVB102 | Self-Representation & Professional Identity

DVB102 | Self-Representation & Professional Identity
