“Don’t worry, I’ve got this”, she said after a long pause with a smile and looked into his eyes, which were now calm and teary.
He knew somewhere deep down his heart was longing to hear those words from her, to see the smile playing tricks on her lips. He knew, he could count on her for she has always been there for him.
How could he forget that day when they were in school, when he had forgot his homework at home. She had deliberately denied doing it, only to accompany him outside the class. Some years later, when he was bullied by other boys for being best friends with a girl, it was her who stood up against them. In college, when he was going through that terrible heartbreak, she was there for him, consoling and reminding constantly how she was right in judging the girl and that he was a complete idiot.
In the times when he was broke, had issues with office colleagues, became a victim of office politics, she was the one he would call to ramble.
Isn’t that what best friends are for. Standing with one another, listening to each other’s problems even when they can’t really give a solution.
She was his best friend since childhood.
And now, twenty years later, when he is ready to take the biggest step of his life, investing all his savings and assets in a dream he believed in, he trembled with anxiety.
What if he loses everything, and is forced to start from the scratch again. How will he be able to fulfill his responsibilities.
He knows there is only one person he can turn to, the one who has always given him the strength to get up and fight back.

The one who has been his best friend & is now also his wife.
Best Friend

Best Friend


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