PWFERRETTO's profile


December 2013

Creating space by thinking of absence, this years second year students are creating a spiritual retreat on Jangbongdo island.  In the first half of the semester they conceived a set of spaces in abstract: no scale, no function- a simple translation of a concept into physical space.

The island site then becomes the scene for the insertion of their spatial experiments into to the landscape, where space is bestowed with function and order. The process is conducted following one material, white plaster, allowing the students to focus exclusively on the architectural content and not get lost in representational tricks.

Students have been captivated by the process, they have developed a passion towards manipulating plastic spaces, towards creating spiritual atmospheres.  Rather than limit their design, ONE MATERIAL > ONE  PROCESS  charged their imagination, spaces are no longer planned in abstract- Diagram/Plan/Model rather they are constructed by moulds and frames to capture the abascent.
Design Studio 2.2 2013_Seoul National University
Photographs by Peter W. Ferretto


Design the absent: proposals by SNU Second Year students.
