We were tasked with creating a plastic injection molded electric toothbrush. As part of a promotional marketing campaign, we will create an electric toothbrush for a cereal brand of our choosing.
Mood Board
Inspiration Board
Brand Board
Ideation Pages
Concept sketches 
Advert concept sketches 
The three illustrations above depict how the electric toothbrush will be promoted. I will only use one of these three sketches for the final advertising.

The first drawing on the left will be an illusion of milk and chocolate sounding the electric toothbrush; even though the toothbrush is on the right side of the page, it will be the first thing people notice when they watch the advertisement.

The toothbrush in the second drawing is a product of Oreo's cereal breakfast, which is why I chose to place a bowl of cereal being poured milk and the toothbrush next to it.

​​​​​​​I drew the last design on the right to keep it basic and easy to grasp without overthinking it. I did this by placing a box of Oreos next to the electric toothbrush and making the toothbrush larger and the box smaller.
 In situ Poster concept sketches 
I'm going to pick one of these three In situ Poster idea sketches above for the final article. The poster's objective is to demonstrate how the product will interact with children in the actual world.
Engineering drawings
General assembly
Detail drawing
Exploded view
Cad animation video
Prototype images
Video of the working prototype
First draft
Advert draft
 In situ Poster draft
Final Posters
 In situ Poster
Electric Toothbrush

Electric Toothbrush
