cut me away...
The Concept
This concept informs people about endangered, ugly, misunderstood, unwanted and unknown animals whose habitat removal is the main reason for extinction.

There is one main illustration, in which any animal that is threatened by the removal of habitat can be placed on the barber chair. The slogan "PLEASE DON'T cut me away..." and illustration are meant to touch people in their soft spot, so that they will support not only the cute, but also the ugly endangered animals.
The slogan is a reference to the extinction of animals by removing their habitat.
On the illustration you can see a barber, a barber chair, the endangered animal and the habitat. Every time the barber cuts off a piece of the animal, a part of the habitat is removed. This happens until the animal and the entire habitat are gone.

The barber stands for us, humans, because we are the ones cutting away the habitat and therefore cause the extinction of animals. We cut away the animal by cutting away their habitat.

There is a QR-code on the poster that leads you to the website where all the endangered animals are displayed. On this website you also have the opportunity to donate and help save the ugly, endangered animals.
The animation is the based on the illustration, but this time you actually see the  habitat being removed while the animal is being cut.

