Daniel Yordanov's profile

Artesonado / Ornamental &Decorative Painting on Ceiling

The magic of Painting as a profession
The possibility of gaining  through the Art of Painting, creating new and unimaginable exotic materials or imitate building material hard to find and handle, is one of the great advantages of Polychromy. The good knowledge of the technique, even gives us the possibility to accelerate wear and aging processes, and create our own antiquarian treasures. 
​How is it done?
La magia de la pintura como oficio
La posibilidad de conseguir a través del Arte de la Pintura, crear nuevos e inimaginables materiales exóticos o imitar materiales constructivos difíciles de encontrar y manejar, es una de las grandes ventajas que ofrece la Policromía. El buen dominio de la técnica, incluso nos brinda la posibilidad de acelerar procesos de desgaste y envejecimiento, y crear nuestras propias joyas anticuarias.
¿Como se hace?
It seems that this assembly of pieces and looks timewornNuestro artesonado parece que esta ensamblado por autenticas tablas de maderas y desgastado por el tiempo
Before & after
The difference

Be unique!
Be special!
Be happy!

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Artesonado / Ornamental &Decorative Painting on Ceiling

Artesonado / Ornamental &Decorative Painting on Ceiling

The possibility of gaining through the Art of Painting, creating new and unimaginable exotic materials or imitate building material hard to find Read More
