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007- No Time To Die Fanart Collab

No Time To Die - 007 
Pixel Stretch Fanart Collaboration
A collaborative effort between Davron Bowman of The Developing Life - and Amber Mascitelli of 6Graphics 
Davrons' Role: Creative Director // Web Design & Marketing
Ambers' Role: Art Direction // Senior Graphic Designer
A Tribute To No Time To Die- 
The Latest Installment In The 007 Saga

Introduced in Ian Flemings books in 1953- James Bond is still going strong at the age of 70! Featuring 27 movies and counting- the series is iconic, and celebrated across the globe! 
With the latest 007 release- No Time To Die- dropping in theatres this week- we figured it was the perfect time to pay homage to the quintessential spy/thriller saga-

So- we teamed up with the Queen of Pixel Stretch Art- Amber Mascitelli to bring our artistic vision- celebrating 70 years of James Bond - to life! 
Don't worry- we'll save the major film description and spoiler alerts until everyone has a chance to check out the movie!
The Design Challenge

Our collaborative goal was to create a final image that showcased the most notable, timeless, and memorable elements found throughout the series lifespan. 
The 007 saga is full of next-level tech, beautiful women, and jaw-dropping luxury automobiles. 
From crazy to cool --- from the ingenious to the seemingly impossible- Bond is always prepared to face whatever perilous scenario is presented to him. 
Our challenge was to find a way to incorporate memorable moments and characters throughout the 7 decades of the saga and find a way to blend them together seamlessly in a manner that would be exciting to newcomers and faithful fans alike. 
Lead By: Davron Bowman

It was only fitting that our research for this project started at the very beginning of the Bond Era - and expanded to modern-day releases. 

Unfortunately- busy lives and active projects didn't leave the time required to watch over 50 hours of collective Bond Movies (although it is possible!- These guys did it)
So we went with the next best thing- Youtube compilations of some of the most iconic scenes of all the bond movies- including captivating and immersive movie intros- adrenaline-filled chase scenes and emotional endings. (Special thanks to the awesome AvengedS939 channel for all the hard work in gathering and structuring all of this content!)
We also referenced a ton of top 10 lists and review sites to gain a better understanding of the most iconic Bonds of all time- and what was most appealing about each film! ​​​​​​​
Research Summary

Research revealed that fans of the Bond legacy are drawn to the series for 3 main reasons
1.) Bond's Personality | 007 is a sensible spy and a diligent detective. He's an intelligent, driven assassin at his core- but also empathetic, calm, and endearing. 
2.) The 007 Gadgets & Tech | Cars, submarines, ski poles, lethal hats, futuristic cars, and jetpacks---heck.. even radioactive lint!
The James Bond movie series pulls out all the stops when it comes to tech, allowing the international assassin to handle any evil henchman or impossible scenario presented to him. These gadgets have an amazing way of keeping us, the audience, always guessing, always imagining, and always full of excitement as to what comes next!
3.) The Suave Man Of Mystery Lifestyle | Personality is one thing- the entire life of Bond characters throughout the decades is a whole other level of awesome! Fans of the series are always eager to see the next destination, master villain, and beautiful Bond girl. Pair that with non-stop action and cinematic sequences full of parkour, combat and exhilarating chases- and you've got an award-winning, timeless combination of elements! 
Ideation &
Visual Design
Lead By: Amber Mascitelli

With a project synopsis, all the high-quality assets we could find online, and a folder full of visual elements to draw inspiration from- Queen of the Pixel Stretch, Amber Mascitelli (aka ADizzle719 on social media) got to work on construction a panoramic design that would bring all past and present Bond elements together in an alluring way. 
To harmonize with the research performed, she decided to run with the visual elements that are and always have been most dear to fans of the 007 series.
Our goal was to evoke a sense of familiarity and excitement among lifelong fans of the movies- while also capturing the attention of first-time moviegoers who were introduced to the series via the latest release No Time To Die. 
Keeping our target audience in mind, she worked meticulously to bring our concept to life- ensuring we touched on everything important to the fans--- characters, cars, tech, and destinations!​​​​​​​
The Results

AMBER KILLED THIS PROJECT! We seriously don't think there could have been a better final product! Her attention to detail and creativity is truly unique- and her Pixel Art Images are world-class without a doubt! (Find all of her social media profiles at the end of this post-)
Here's how the visual design breaks down. 
Characters- While "who's the best Bond" will always be a debatable question- our focus during this project was to pay tribute to the most recent, and arguably the most innovative 007- Daniel Craig. Further, no Bond movie would be complete without the Villian, Lucifer Safin (played by Rami Malek),  and Bond Girl, Paloma (played by  Ana de Armas') 
Tech- With so many gadgets to reference throughout the series- picking just one was extremely hard! So we took the simple route- and decided to leave the rest to the users' imagination. Integrating computer code masking the Bond car in the background? Is it the DB5...9.. Vanquish? Is it even an Aston Martin at all? The obscurity of the image allows the user freedom to reflect on their favorite Bond movie and reminisce on the exciting elements from the saga that are uniquely exciting to them on an individual level. 
Easter egg hunters will notice that the photo of 007 selected also showcases a slight peek at the Bond watch- and implies that the cufflinks attached to his button-up shirt might have use that extends beyond simple fashion. 
Adventure- We utilized a long-range shot of Matera, Italy- the main setting for No Time To Die- Instead of focusing on specific elements of the city- we created a scenario in which a brief glance at the scene would draw users back to their favorite Bond locations over the years. First-time moviegoers would recognize the scene from the latest series entry- while veterans would likely begin to reminisce on their favorite 007 adventure locations- A silhouetted helicopter can be found flying the night sky over Matera- overlaid by a red target (one of the most consistently used visual elements in the Bond saga over the last 70 years), and leaves viewers to wonder--- Is the villain of this story making his daring escape? Is 007 off to his next mission, or finally caught in the sights of his nemesis with no chance of escape? 
It's up to you to decide!
Explore more design and visual media projects from Davron Bowman

Explore more design and visual media projects from the Queen of Pixel Stretch Art- Amber Mascitelli 

007- No Time To Die Fanart Collab


007- No Time To Die Fanart Collab
