Business Card Design​​​​​​​
Art 230
Mockup design made on Photoshop.
Project Brief 

For this project I had to create a professional business card. The requirements were to include a name, title, two phone numbers, website, email, address, and one social media.

I wanted to display my information in a way that the typography would stand out, and thus my contact information. My goals were to get people to actually search for my work and contact me. I wanted to achieve a design that was pleasing to look at, elegant, simple, and more importantly, professional.

Typefaces used:
- ​​​​​​​Centaur MT Pro.
- Stempel Garamond LT Std.
Front design, displayed in a way that the first thing that stands out is my name, secondly what I do, and them all my contact information given in order so the reader gets encouraged to look up more information about my work.
Back of the card. Here I just wanted to display my name. Also, in a way that keeps the reader instested  on what is seing (in this case the typography and texture)
Front and back designs.
Thank you!
Business Card


Business Card


Creative Fields