Experimental Animation: Cut-out and digital stop motion
Artist: Anubhav Mahajan
Riddhima Shrivatsava
Shubham Valse
Valli Pattikonda
Divya Ribero

The synopsis
The story revolves around the theme of media and how it influences our decisions in our daily lives. It begins with a person who is suddenly sucked into a virtual world where he is forced to make decisions that manipulate the way he thinks and he sees. News articles about the Amazon fire and the Kashmir crisis contradicted by articles that completely distract our attention from these, issues such as the world record egg. While making these decisions, he is constantly looped back to his original place until he chooses correctly. That is the topics that actually hold no importace. Tha character is always given choices but in the end can go down one path only that is determined by the web of media.
Mediums and techniques used: Digital photo manipulation, Rotoscopy, Cutout, Fabric, Clay, Chalk...

Process Images


