Adaku Nwakanma's profile

Voter Registration App for Nigerian Citizens

CVR is a responsive platform that makes the voter registration process more convenient by providing the ability for users to stay updated on registration and election activities online.

Project duration:
October 2021

Defining the Problem

Citizens join long queues and experience unpredictable timelines trying to get registered for voter exercises.
The goal was to design an app that eliminates the bottleneck at Voter Registration offices and provides a convenient way to vote in various situations.

My Role

I designed the responsive site from conception to delivery, utilising user research, conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs. 

Finding the Needs of the Target Audience

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I am designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified was eligible adults who wanted an easier way to retrieve their permanent voters’ cards (PVC) and a safer way to vote during the elections.

This research confirmed assumptions about challenges new voters have, such as long queues, but also revealed other challenges such as fear of insecurity and unpredictable timelines to retrieve their PVCs.

User Research Insights

- People have to show up in person at INEC offices to register for a voters’ card.
- There was uncertainty about when PVC will be available for collection and a backlog of uncollected PVCs.
- Worries about safety and respect for people during the election process​​​​​​​.


After combining empathy maps from user research, I developed three personas with unique needs that the digital product could address. One was of Francis, a Nigerian citizen who needs an easy way to ensure he is eligible to vote at all times because he would like to exercise his civic responsibility. 

Mapping Francis’ user journey revealed how helpful it would be to include information about PVC collection dates and updates on activities at his polling unit.
Taking the time to draft iterations of each screen on paper ensured that the elements addressed user’s pain points. For the home screen, I prioritised easy access to the primary task of voter registration.
As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base my feedback & findings on user research. Presentation of information in an easy and concise way was a key user need to address in addition to including hierarchy for easy navigation.

The low fidelity prototype connected the main user flow of voter registration and electoral processes online. 
The first round of usability studies revealed what aspects of the design needed refining such as the sign up flow. 

Refining the Prototype

Early designs presented the voters registration screen after sign up but after feedback from the usability studies, users were able to begin voters registration at their own convenience. 
I ensured that the colours used on the app met the accessibility standards by utilising contrast checkers. 

The final high fidelity prototype presented cleaner user flows.
View other CVR high fidelity prototypes:
Impact and Learning

The feedback on the designs was that the app makes voter registration simple and straight forward. However, there are still improvements to be made especially in terms of the visual feel of the product. Moving forward, the plan is to conduct another round of usability studies to refine the visual design of the product.

Voter Registration App for Nigerian Citizens


Voter Registration App for Nigerian Citizens
