Thirty Day Logo Challenge - Day 14

Radnika Foundry is a new online type foundry where the owner sells their work. Majority of their typefaces range from calligraphy to unique handwriting styles. They rarely create any standard sans-serif or serif typefaces. 

The logo will be primarily used on their website and replace characters of a font when someone downloads a demo version. For example, they often replace the ampersand in the typeface with a logo to show the user that they haven't properly bought a license for commercial use. It's important that the design works on a small scale so they could use it for that purpose.

The logo design I came up with will work great for what the client is looking for. Its simple and uses text in the logo. The way the 'r' flows into the 'f' I find to be really nice and unique. This logo can be used in many different ways and with the slant it will stand when the client inserts it into the typeface as described above.
Radnika Foundry


Radnika Foundry
