Hawaiian Shirt​​​​​​​
INTRODUCTION: This document is going over my process for the Hawaiian Shirt Assignment for my Intro to Digital Media class. You will see me carrying out a number of tasks including; creating the shape of the shirt, coming up with a pattern, creating buttons and tag for the shirt.

MATERIALS: Illustrator, laptop

When I started this project, it was October and leading up to Halloween, that gave me inspiration for my theme. I wanted to have fun while doing this assignment so I chose imagery that I like. Ultimately I wanted to create a shirt that I would wear. Beginning this project I was very intimidated because I do not have a lot of experience with Illustrator and am new to this Digital Media class and creating anything digital in general. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this process wasn't as daunting as it seemed, and found myself quite content with the results.

1) Downloaded the jpg of the Hawaiian Shirt that was provided

2) Open Illustrator. Start a new Tabloid Document that is 11 x 17 inches
3) Open the jpg of the Hawaiian Shirt and place it in the middle of the page. Double click the image layer and set it as a template.

4) Using the Pen Tool (P), I began creating the outline/shape of the shirt panels
5) After I was done creating the panels and layering them in the correct order, I got rid of the template of the Hawaiian Shirt jpg
6) Opened a New Document, I began working on the design that would become my shirt pattern. I chose an eyeball. So using the Ellipse Tool (L), I became creating a composition using circles. I tested colours and gradients to see what I liked and didn't like.
7) Using the Pencil Tool (N) I drew the red veins on the sphere of the eyeball. Using the same tool I created the severed muscle that is attached to the eye

8) I used the Live Paint Bucket (K) to fill some of the details including the black. I gave the eyeball and the iris a Radial Gradient to add dimension and make the eyeball look more spherical. I wanted this design to have a lot of contrast while still looking very stylized and graphic.
9) Once I finished the design, I made it into a pattern. Object > Pattern > Make. I explored the Pattern Panel and arranged the pattern until I was happy with it.
10) I began applying the base colour of my shirt as well as the pattern I just created. On the sleeves, I used the Rotate Tool (R) and holding down (~) to slightly rotate the design to give it a more realistic look. Again, while holding (~) and using the arrow keys, I moved the pattern to off set it slightly to make like the fabric was overlapping in places

11) I made the stroke of each panel a width of 2 points. Using the Width Tool (Shift+W) I made adjustments to emphasize certain areas to suggest a shadow where the seams of the shirt met.
12) I started a New Document and began working on my button. I arranged the colours on the gradient scale until the button looked more realistic. I created a base colour and two different highlights
13) Using the Line Segment Tool (\) I was able to create the thread. I created multiple copies of the layer and made it a smaller width and a brighter colour to create some depth. Using the Appearance Panel, I duplicated the layer of both the thread and the button, I made them a very dark colour and added an effect, Blur > Gaussian Blur to create a shadow underneath the button
14) I opened a New Document once again to create the tag of the shirt. After finding an image of linen, I opened the image in the new document.

15) Using a combination of the Arc Tool and Ellipse Tool (L), I was able to create the shape of the eye Icon for the tag.

16) I drew the thread outlining the tag using the Pencil Tool (N), I then changed the stroke to be dashed.

17) For the type, I used size 18 Myriad Pro Front as suggested. I wanted to come up with something that went with my spooky Halloween inspired theme, I decided on a name for the tag, "Spook Inc".

18) Once I had all these components, I arranged them onto the tag. Lastly, created a layer underneath the tag using the Rectangle Tool (M), coloured it darkly and added the effect Blur > Gaussian Blur to add some depth 
19) With all of the components of the this assignment completed, I added them to the document with my shirt. I arranged the buttons and the tag. I duplicated certain panels of the shirt and coloured those layers darker and added the effect Blur > Gaussian Blur to add shadows where the material overlapped. This is the finished product.
CONCLUSION: I feel like a learned a lot from this assignment. It gave me a chance to really familiarize with Illustrator. I noticed that for some parts of this assignment, it was quick and easy for me to complete because I already knew how to do some parts of it. For others, I really had to refer back to the support material that I was provided with and continuously reference back to that. First looking at the assignment, I remember feeling really intimated because I felt like it was such a huge task. It still was a big task, but not as much as I anticipated and breaking it down into parts made it easier. I think the thing that was hardest to wrap my head around was how it all fit together. I found myself forgetting to create a new document for a new part of the assignment, and that would sometimes cause disruptions later on. There was a bunch of trail and error involved, but overall I'm happy with the results I got as a first try. I think if I were to do it this assignment again in the future, I would pay more attention to detail and possibly create a more visually interesting pattern.
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt
