ART230 | Project 03
Photoshop Mock-up of Project 03 Poster
For this project, we were assigned a font and were required to create a poster showcasing the unique style attributes of the font. The goal was to present the font in a way that would make people want to purchase it. 
Digital Composition
Based on our thumbnail drawings, we chose the best and created digital versions. This was a very important step, as the font style greatly affected the initial idea. On several compositions, I had to move and adjust elements, to better suit the font. 
Adding Color
Taking our favorite digital composition, it was then time to add color. This is a very important step tp get right. Color heavily affects the mood and message that is conveyed in the poster. I chose muted, book-stlye colors to highlight the old, classic style of the font. I was also able to utilize color to help the visual hierarchy of the poster. 
Bembo Book Poster

Bembo Book Poster


Creative Fields