Natural Forms: How does nature influence everything around us?
I explored firstly animals and then the idea of combining nature with a person.
Using household items for inspiration I created three sketches that demonstrate them in unusual colours and placement. 
Faces: Using just pen and pencil I created four sketches that depict various faces and facial expressions. 
Experimenting with paint and collaging of household objects. 
Human anatomy: I demonstrated this through sketching organs and the human skeleton. 
The combination of humans impacting on nature is incredibly interesting and I experimented with having nature for various backgrounds.
These images depict human emotions, organs and body parts representing what makes us human. 
Drag Art: I explored the way drag alters humans ‘natural form’ and how it is now a art form for many people. 
My final piece depicts how humans have ruined their own culture and place through war and violence. 
Natural Forms


Natural Forms

Natural Forms: What makes up a human?
