Care for your life
FamilySupporters welcomes children, adults and elderly people who are in need of psychological and practical help. The organisation offers flexible and custom care based on the client’s preferences. Waiting lists don’t apply at FamilySupporters, so clients receive the right treatment in no-time. Zeppa was asked to design a restyle, while honouring some existing elements.
A friendly logo
The logo is supposed to make the clients feel welcomed, so we gave the y a little smile. The dot on the i is supported by the rest of the letter, in the same way the clients are supported by FamilySupporters. 
Red already was a key colour for FamilySupporters and the organisation wanted to hold on to that. We expanded their palette with blue, green and yellow, so we would be able to design freely.
“Zeppa has a great understanding of our concept and managed to design a visual identity that didn’t just charm us but also appealed to our colleagues, which is very important. ”
Ana Wessel, communication & PR FamilySupporters
Lifelines connect communications
The lines symbolize lifelines. These travel up and down, and visualize life’s up’s and down’s. The lifelines appear on all important visual communication, creating recognisability. Zeppa developed a complete package including business cards, printed matter, lettering and templates.
Templates to work with
Zeppa designed an extensive library of templates to be used by FamilySupporters and its partner organisations. This library enables the company to control their design budget and deliver affordable care.

“Life is full of ups and downs. It was exciting to translate this concept into a visual identity.”
Annelies Vlasblom, owner Zeppa
Care for your life

Care for your life

FamilySupporters welcomes children, adults and elderly people who are in need of psychological and practical help. The organisation offers flexib Read More
