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A Debate/Constructive Argument on Democracy

 I think democracy is the only way to rule over a country constructively and systematically. Democracy is a political ideology that refers to the solution where few people have control over many. Democracy can solve the problems regarding the selection of leadership. Democracy come from the Greek word “Demos” which means people and “kratos” which means power. So the word stands for “power to the people “. It is a system where every people have a say in how a state or country is run and this is done through voting. Democracy began in ancient Athens. The Athenian citizens would meet in an honest assembly and discuss how the city will run then each citizen would vote on the new laws. Thus, putting the new laws in effect. This effectively pause the power away from the few and gives it to the majority of the people. Different states have different political parties that represent the people of those individual states. Each political party has their own beliefs and their own ideology of running the state. The people are given an election where they will vote for the party that they agree with the most. Each political party will present their informed ideas and the people will decide which suits the best for them. Winston Churchill said, “democracy is the worst type of government except for all the others”. Which means although democracy has its own problems it is more desirable than any because in this system the pople has the power, has the freedom to to vote, and the freedom to make their own decisions even if they are not good decisions. If we ask why Aung san suu kyi  chose to be imprisoned we find that it was for democracy and for her country men . Before I get into the highlights of democracy let me get into the other systems of government such as dictatorship, autocracy, anarchy, theocracy and other systems where there are no people mentioned in it. If these systems are operation for the people then why aren’t the people in it? If a system is made for the people then they should be involved in it also. France revolution is one of the best examples of it where there was a situation when 90% of the people died of starvation while the rest died of indecision. Yes, we were right at that point of time where democracy didnt exist, there was only monarchy and feudalism which made the people only suffer for a lost cause. It was democracy that freed the people. Now France is a democratic country and its country men are no more in suffering. People in India have tremendous faith in democracy and 79% of the people there are satisfied with it.So democracy is not only to ensure a good governing body for a state but also ensures the right of the people . There are many countries that have been able to ensure all peoples rights only after the introduction of democracy.  
A Debate/Constructive Argument on Democracy


A Debate/Constructive Argument on Democracy


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