This is a angelic Gecko i drew a couple of months ago, i thought i'd share it here on behance to show my process of this little reptile.
I started with gathering references of wings and gecko's to make sure i get all the proportions and textures right.


See text below the following image containing the process of this artwork.
As you can see i always start with a rough sketch, it's important to get the right proportions and main idea right in this phase, you can't build a strong building on a weak foundation right? The same goes for digital painting/ drawing. After i've made the rough sketch i move on to the refined sketch, in this phase i clean up the rough sketch and add all the detail, skin folds, freckles, ect, Unfortunately i ruined my refined sketch at the end of the drawing so it isn't shown in the pictures above. After i've made my refined sketch i start painting in the base colous, i colour in all the big shapes within my illustration. After that i start adding flat colours, which means i colour my piece without the shading. After i've done the flat colours i start roughly adding shadow to decide where i want my light to come from. When i'm happy with the angle and depth of the shadows i move on to the highlights and textures, this makes your illustration come to live, make sure to add in the background as it has a huge impact on the atmosphere of your drawing! At the end i usually look for any small mistakes i made and make sure i correct them, when all of this is done my piece is finished.
End result:
- Learn how to photobash
- Learn better drawing workflows
Angelic Gecko

Angelic Gecko


Creative Fields