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good magic spells

How to Indefinitely Extend the Duration of Magical Spells

Magic spells are the means by which enlightened individuals effect positive change in their lives, improve themselves and those around them, and accomplish their life goals and objectives. Numerous people have spent their entire lives casting magic spells and have achieved extraordinary achievements that defy explanation.

If you've ever used magic or spells to assist you in your life, I'm sure you're familiar with the following scenario:

1) You have a problem that requires resolution. Or you have a desire and require assistance to fulfil it. You decide to employ witchcraft and choose a specific magic spell to accomplish your objective.

2) You cast the spell and instantly begin looking around for visible evidence of your magic in action. You see results in the first few weeks and are pleased and content with your work.

3) However, the effects begin to wane after a few weeks. You no longer feel confident in your magic, and you begin to doubt whether or not the spell worked at all!

However, have no fear; this is a typical occurrence among witches and wizards who practice witchcraft. The issue is that the effectiveness of your spells will wane with time as your interest, desire, focus, and attention on the spell and its outcomes wane.

The secret to making magic good magic spells live indefinitely consists of three easy steps that, when performed precisely, can significantly prolong the duration of your spells by up to fivefold and, in certain situations, make them permanent (as in, forever!)

1) Begin by selecting a specific spell. If you cast broad or ambiguous magic and do not concentrate your will precisely, the magic will disperse across a larger region and become less powerful. Spells must be aimed toward a single objective in order to last a long period (or even operate at all). The more precise a spell can be, the better.

2) secondly, do the magic spell during your most potent moment (usually during a full moon). Put your entire spirit, energy, and effort into it. You may wish to prepare the evening before with some meditation to gather your strength, and then for at least 21 days refrain from casting any further charms. You only have a finite amount of power, and you do not want to distribute it inefficiently.

3) Thirdly, execute a booster ritual every full moon following the casting. This can include reciting the spell or simply spending ten minutes meditating with a candle of your choice to re-energize the magic in your head. Keep in mind why you cast it, the problems you were having or the goals you desired, how it felt to cast the spell, and how it felt to visualize your anticipated outcome and results.

You can keep your spells alive by regularly "recharging" them. However, be aware that this is an extremely exhausting process, so do not attempt to perform it for all of your spells - only the ones you wish to last the longest.
good magic spells

good magic spells


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