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Growth and Uses of Amethyst Crystal, The Purple Quartz

Growth and Uses of Amethyst Crystal, The Purple Quartz

Amethyst, a violet variety of quartz (SiO2), comes from the Koine Greek (αμέθυστος) – amethystos, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The violet color of the stone is due to irradiation, impurities of iron, etc. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is a semiprecious stone that is often used in jewelry because its hardness is similar to quartz. Amethyst crystal is found in many locations worldwide – Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil.

Amethyst Crystals at Home

Want to know how to grow amethyst crystals at home and amethyst crystal for sale? Just follow these steps. To make these crystals, you need Polymer clay (use white color to make the crystals translucent). Mix the clay until it becomes malleable. Then roll the clay and cut it into small pieces. Put them in the freezer for about half an hour. Then give them a hexagonal shape by cutting off the edges. Brush the pieces with chalk dust to color them. Next, bake them at 130 degrees for 30 minutes. Lastly, apply a varnish to make them glossy. 

Amethyst Crystal Laboratory preparation

Materials you’ll need-

Plaster of Paris
Egg Carton
Food color

Make a geode by mixing plaster of Paris with water. Place it on the egg carton. Stir alum in half a cup of water until it dissolves. When alum starts gathering at the bottom, add purple color. 

Place the geode in a container such that the mixture will just come over the top of the geode. Do not allow any undissolved alum into the container. Leave the container undisturbed for two to three days to let the crystal form. Then remove it from the container. Now, you know how to grow an amethyst crystal.

How to identify Amethyst Crystal?

Amethyst is a popular and attractive gem that comes in various shades of purple. If you have jewelry or other items made from Amethyst, you may be curious if they are authentic.

Here are a few ways to find out –

Look at the gems Clarity – there should not be any bubbles or discolorations.
Examine the cut – Amethyst stone cuts easily, so the surfaces are smooth and polished.
Check Specific gravity - around 2.65.

Test your gems’ hardness. After identifying it correctly, you will know how to make an amethyst crystal necklace from the right crystals.

How to meditate with Amethyst Crystal?

Amethyst crystals amplify the soothing purple ray of the divine light of the spectrum, which enables humans to remain calm. Crystals and stones, the ancient pieces, provide an earthly touch. Cultures worldwide have used the crystals in healing and meditation practices for thousands of years. Focusing on an object increases your meditation ability and raises your consciousness and awareness of your higher self.

Meditating with amethyst is very simple. Set a simple intention, sit or sleep with your stone while keeping the stone at your palm. Benefits of meditating with Amethyst-

Enhances intuition.
Promotes serenity, clarity and calms anxious thoughts. 


Amethyst can bring great value to your life. But everything has a different side, and the stone might increase your curiosity, make you insecure, anxious while the stone can also provide you purpose in your life.
Growth and Uses of Amethyst Crystal, The Purple Quartz

Growth and Uses of Amethyst Crystal, The Purple Quartz


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