Objective: To create a visual system for a film festival based on films from the director Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino's themes of redemption and violence are some of the elements that make his movies....Tarantino. Many of his fans appreciate his use of dialogue, well known camera angles, vintage color palette of red and yellow and his homage to spaghetti westerns have made Tarantino an important director in cinema.
Poster: The design foundation for the visual system comes from the composition of the poster.
Business Identity
Schedule: Schedules are given to festival attendees with film showings. Each film in the festival is a film with the theme of redemption. The back of the schedule has a keepsake poster.
Tickets: General Admission and VIP tickets for the festival
Soundtracks: Quentin Tarantino is all about music when it comes to incorporating them in his films. For the festival, a collection of soundtracks from each of the films are the included in a box set for purchase during the festival or online.
Social Media: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook 
App: Tickets, soundtrack, posters and other merchandise can be purchased within the app.
Advertisements: These billboards share a similar composition to the posters.
Website for the festival Click here. Website explains what the purpose of the festival is, tickets that can purchased and film showings.
Festival Catalog Click here. This catalog gives the audience some background information about Quentin Tarantino, a filmography and the movies within the festival.

Annotated Process Journal (ANPJ) Click here. The process journal explains my thought process on the visual system for Chaotic Noir.
Chaotic Noir


Chaotic Noir
