As part of my Google UX Design professional certificate course, I was tasked with designing a conceptual "user experience for social good". I chose to create a responsive website that would be used to combat the issue of food deserts in the United States. The name Greening comes from the concept of "desert greening" - the process of man-made reclamation of deserts.

My roles: Researcher, UX/UI Designer
Time: December 2021 - January 2022
The problem: 23.5 million people in the United States currently live in a food desert. The current USDA Food Access Research Atlas is clunky and has not been updated since 2019.
The solution: Create a more efficient and up-to-date website for activists and researchers to use in the fight against food deserts.

Food Deserts in America
Improper nutrition can lead to a variety of health issues including obesity, type-2 diabetes, and heart disease.

USDA Food Access Research Atlas
The main source of data regarding food deserts, the USDA Food Access Research Atlas, is both frustrating to use, as well as almost 3 years out of date.
User Personas 
User Journey
Paper Wireframes
Digital Wireframes
Final Design
A hub for easy access to connecting with contacts and discovering local events and national stories.
An ever evolving map of food deserts in America that uses data from the USDA Atlas, but is expanded on by users.
Access to user posts as well as projects they might be working on.
User Flow
Takeaways & Key Learnings
I found this project to be both challenging and exciting to work on. This is the first full-featured website that I have built and I am optimistic that it shows my future potential.
While working on this project, I learned to focus on the most important features first, rather than cramming in as many elements as possible.




UX Design



Creative Fields