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Brendan Boudreau Senior Project

Spring 2022 Senior Project: Experience Design and Production
By Brendan Boudreau

Ascent One
Climb 1: Ideas and Research

This was my project pitch for my top three ideas for senior project. Featuring a Virtual Reality Anatomy study center, an application for Pre-Med students at the University of Florida, and a redesigned UI for navigation screens in cars.
Climb 2: Production Pipeline and Backlog
For my Senior Project I chose my first idea from Climb 1, a VR Anatomy space for pre-med students to learn about the bones that make up the body.
Link to my pitch of this final idea:
For this weeks tasks I planned out a rough version of my to-do list for the entire semester. This is an initial list, and will grow immensely. With each task, a due date, timeline, and estimated hours were set in order to ensure self-discipline and time management throughout the semester.
For proof of concept I opened Unity, created a project and imported a temporary skeleton asset. I formatted the game objects to be VR grabbable and showed a video of myself and the screen interacting in a VR space. These two videos are shown below.
The purpose of these videos was to show small-scale proof of concept, as well as my ability to create in a virtual space. With VR intractability already out of the way, creating the space becomes a project mainly in Unity, which is my strongest program to create in.
Climb 3
One of my scheduled tasks this week was to create a mood board for potential environment themes and feels. This is a broad board of ranging scenes, this is just to gather inspiration to create the best environment for learning.
A simple prototype of the space planned out for concept. A sphere, with the user starting in the center, able to interact around the space, teleport and explore the open world study center.
This is a user flow model for the Skeleton Station, the first location of the experience I will be building out.
Climb 4
This was a foundational week for production, I created the first fully fleshed out user flow in Unity with interactable buttons and allowing the user to see and interact with the bone. 
This is some of the organization I have worked hard at to ensure quick upscaling for the rest of the project.
Here is a sample of the code used for UI interactions. Shown is the exit button and one of the bone exploring panels. The code was written to keep all interactions for a region of the body in one place, and reduce the number of separate files created which would reduce my working efficiency.
Ascent Two
Climb 5
This week I used my Climb 4 creation to focus in on organization of one set of interactions. These are the groundworks for scaling up the project scope to more bones quickly and efficiently. With buttons scripted, organized, and functional in VR, I am hoping to use the next week to finalize the location and layout of the UI to build the rest of the interactions at the Skeleton Station.
This is the menu that comes up once the user selects the region of the body that applies to the legs. The menu shows all the bones and allows them to further explore, which is shown below. 
Here is the interaction that comes up once the user chooses a bone within the region. At the moment, I am unsure of the placement of the UI and still have experimenting to do. The user is able to read the content (actual content will be added in another climb) and select the button that says "Show Me!", this puts the bone in front of the user to pick up and learn more about. 
Progress thus far has been steady and smooth, there has been no technical interference. I hope to build the rest of the station out with the current foundation I have laid out.
Climb 6
This week I finished building out 75% of the skeleton interactions. The user is able to point and select a region of the body to open a panel of the bones in that region. From there, they can select a specific bone to learn more about it.

I was also able to get some of the environment built out. This is not final on design and lighting, but this is the core theme and mood for the space.
Climb 7
This week I mainly worked on finalizing the skeleton station shown above. There were some small bugs in the scripts and the prefabs were not instantiating in the proper locations. I was also able to add labels to the bone when the user selects the "Show me!" panel.
Climb 8
This week I polished the Skeleton Station and implemented and debugged the Teleportation system for users to move about the scene and explore in a more "open world" way. I have finished the most labor intensive station and created movement to start outward expansion.
Climb 9
This week I built out station number two of five, the FUN one. Users can teleport to the station and see three basketball hoops and UI showing that this station is a quiz. By making a practice shot they are taken to the first question, and must shoot the skulls in the hoop that contains the correct answer to the quiz. At that point, a chime goes off signaling they shot in the correct hoop and the next question pops up.
Brendan Boudreau Senior Project

Brendan Boudreau Senior Project


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