"No. 2 -Advection-"
Under the COVID-19 circumstances, I decided to switch my weapon from 3ds Max to Cinema 4D. 
I started creating a series of personal works (No. 1 through No. 9) to learn new toys .
And, this is the first piece (numbered "2" actually). 
This time, study subject is "Advection."

Music: Yoshio and Shu Matsumoto

Tools: Cinema 4D, OctaneRender, and X-particles. 
Resources: Greyscalegorilla, Learn Squared, Eyedesyn, MotionPunk, and many other C4D communities, THANK YOU!

Here are the stills.​​​​​​​

Here're some X-Particles simulations.
"No. 2 -Advection-"