As part of a school assignment we were to gather information about ourselves, swap it with someone and then transform that data into an infographic. Everyone had to monitor 5 habits or activities for 2 weeks and write down the data.
Once the two week period was over, we had to hand over our information to a fellow student who then created an infographic out of it. The aim of this assignment was to get used to and have the ability to monitor information. We were encouraged to use new programs (keynote, processing, etc), scripts and try to take a new approach to handling data - to take us out of our comfort zone.

I decided to use a script in the free software called 'R'. The point of Chernoff faces is to display multiple variables at once by positioning parts of the human face, such as ears, hair, eyes, and nose, based on numbers in a dataset. The assumption, which was made by Herman Chernoff, is that we can read people's faces easily in real life, so we should be able to recognize small differences when they represent data.
Here's my infographic about a fellow student named Pärtel.
Meet Pärtel

Meet Pärtel

