Chandler Nguyen's profile

Animation & Performance

Jest Flynn Concepts
 Joint Placements
Topology Layout
Had to have a peer review and approve on some concepts. Concept were done in Clip-studio just for the heads up.

When working on this projects their were a lot of setbacks. Mostly from pipeline work, other class projects, reference retakes, time managements(Depend on schedules) and animation approval. When working on a projects for an animation, a character design is extremely essential. When designing a character you must take in an account on how their body interact with their surrounding and how their body function work. Work managements will helped you save time and you ability finish a products. If you sign up for class or asked for more worked load, your technically sending yourself up for failure as a person work capacity varies. Multitasking is good and all, but their a limits that one should strive to achieved and after that break it. When design a character give yourself some thoughts on whether or not you should design this character and what are some of the issues that arise from it when you start modeling or rigging. For instance, Flynn with a slim body look easy be to model, but their a trade off to it. If a character is to slim their body will encounter issues down the line of rigging and animating. Some times they might come out too stiff, that makes it hard to recreate a certain reference shots to animate. Other time its weight painting and blend shape. So when design a character think down the line on how you should solve these issues. Reference shot is important as design because it will determine on how your character can be flexible or not and their ability to function will be tested. When working on Flynn their were so many frustration down the line mostly getting the professor approval. If he or she deemed it unfit to model they will suggest some changes. Sometimes its subtle, but most of the time its intensive changes. Like enlargements of certain parts of the character body like head, torso, hands and etc. After some of these change the professor will approved.

 Even though there were some unfortunate set backs there were also beneficial experiences that came from it. It cause one to look for another way to solve certain issues like blend shape correction, repetitive work that help reinforce one modeling or rigging skills, and sharpen one ability to spot certain mistakes when critiquing you peers. An example of such is spotting and resolving a character with similar IK and FK rigged issues that one encounter. Another is providing helpful feed back on corrective blend shape. From those beneficial set backs I gain some experience which I used to help other. In doing so will make yourself more referral able  in the near future if your peer remember you of course. Their are some changes that I wish I could make change on. Adding some controller on the teeth when animating will help a character to avoid showing to much teeth. Adding some corrective blend shape and weight paints. Last changes is having more to polish the character and moving on to the next milestones. Overall, this project is an intensive reminder what I lacked and yet a learning experience to keep on improving.

Animation & Performance

Animation & Performance
