RUMBLESLAM - the game of fantasy wrestling.

I have produced this table top miniatures game for TTCombat for several years. Throughout that time I have been responsible for branding, packaging, rules writing, book layout, concept design, product design, miniature design... all of it really!

In recent years I have led the direction of the entire game, doing market research to come up with new concepts, and managing a team to help turn those concepts into reality. From working closely with artists to draw the wrestlers and world, to commissioning 3D sculptors to make the miniatures. I've worked with 3D printers, resin casting and production departments to create the models. I've written rules, stories, and books to help people play the game. Then branding, marketing and promoting the game.

A challenging project certainly, but one that's been a lot of fun! Researching classic wrestlers and fantasy tropes has led to some truly unique creations (there's a llama ppinata and a giant talking mushroom who grows little mushrooms on its fingers). Everything has to fit within the theme and style of the game, which is a mixture of fantasy and 90s era wrestling!

