Asher Weinrauch's portfolio
Health Bar 
This was the first major achievement I had in DMA Light being the health bar this stayed with my project till the end of my game. The health bar is a very large mechanic for my game and I wouldn't have a game with out it. This mechanic allows for my character to die and restart this is help full because it gives challenge to my game when the player interacts with something that does damage

Sprint Button and Stamina Bar
the Sprint Button was a core mechanic that made it in to the final project. This program allows you to move faster When you click the shift key. The stamina Bar did not make the cut for what what actually got into my game because I felt that if my players want to go fast they might as well go fast without hinderances. Still the stamina bar was a big Achievement of mine as it was my first HUD program which I feel is a big accomplishment. 

This AI is the Base for all enemy programs in my game and was a key stepping stone into creating challenging areas and a players will to succeed. These AI play a key role due to them being the major enemy in my game and it would mainly be a boring parkour game without them. I enjoyed working with the AI the most because it gives you so many programs that you can build in. An example of this is the basic AI which is just an AI that moves to and tracks the players location. when I add a projectile function to this a AI I get an immobile turret the Zero in on the player location and shoots at them.
Damage Function
The damage function is a way to give almost a time limit on players gameplay. Essentially this allows some of my programs to hurt the player and give them obstacles. The Damage function depending on the program it is attached to will do a percentage of health to the player. An example of this is when a Rusher Enemy (an enemy that chases the player) makes contact with the player it will do about ten damage out of one hundred health once this reaches zero the player will die then respawn at a designated location.
Death, Respawn and Checkpoints( or DRC)
I decided to put DRC in the same point because I feel that each of them are to small to be there own entry in my portfolio. plus they are all pretty closely related.
Death occurs when the players HP drops to zero, respawn then happens and puts you at the beginning of the game or a check point. Check points work when a player reaches a certain point in my game the check point will activate and then move the respawn location to that point.
Level 1 
Level one took me longer than expected due to not realizing that there were meshes included in the spaceship kit. honestly the end of level one is not my best work, but everything else in the level I enjoyed making including what it looks like now. The level is mainly comprised of a parkour segment that in my opinion is evil because it gets you to almost ten health sometimes then you die trying to get to the first teleporter. Other than that I enjoy and how it introduces game mechanics and is a fun little intro level.
Level 2
 level two introduces the first check point and it's good that there is one due to as soon as you break the first wall in the level you are thrown right into the action again. After making it through the hallway filled with enemies you are given another parkour segment where you have to jump between loose pipes and if you fall it's essentially a restart at the checkpoint. Then once you make it past this section it's the end of my game I wish I could have gotten more done with the time I had in DMA, but I'm glad that I at least got to build these two fun levels for my game.
DMA portfolio

DMA portfolio


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