Sustained Investigation 9

Idea: I wanted to show the issue of traffic collisions due to further development near national parks, the park I chose to highlight was Badlands National Park because I wanted to use the Pronghorn as the centerpiece. The Pronghorn Antelope has the largest land migration of any mammal in North America, making it incredibly susceptible to traffic collisions. I wanted to leave most of it up to interpretations so I opted to leave out the car and just have headlights.

Materials: I used procreate and photoshop along with some images in order to create this piece.

Process: To start I drew out the pronghorn in procreate, I wanted to recreate the art deco style used in the old NPS posters so I did minimal blending and left the big blocks of color. Next I drew out a road for the pronghorn to stand on and built a grassland landscape around it by using the cut-out filter on an image of a grassland. I repeated this process to make the rock formations that represent the badlands. I then added a headlight glow behind the pronghorn using the gaussian blur on photoshop. I added some roadkill to the side by drawing it in procreate again and putting it in and adding a shadow. Finally I added a border and the text from one of the classic posters. This piece was one of my favorite projects I have done and it really represents the issue at hand. The synthesis of ideas and components is prevelant because even though I did this through 2 softwares it looks cohesive.

