Melissa Esquivel's profile

POP 25th Anniversary

POP 25th Anniversary
Branding for POP 25th Anniversary
Objective - To celebrate the 25th anniversary of POP and create an emotional connection between employees and the agency by designing a range of assets inspired by the 90’s era.
Approach - We created a range of assets, including screensavers, background screens, stickers, buttons, tote bags, bottles, and notebooks, all inspired by the vibrant colors and designs of the 90’s. The assets were designed to generate a sense of nostalgia and create a strong emotional connection between employees and the agency.
Results - The assets successfully created a nostalgic feeling amongst the employees and strengthened their relationship with the agency. By celebrating the agency’s 25th anniversary with a range of fun and creative assets, we successfully increased employee engagement and loyalty towards the agency. The assets also created a sense of unity amongst the employees and reminded them of the agency’s rich history and success in the digital design industry.
This concept nods back to the 90’s through color and graphic treatments while still maintaining a modern look.
Exuberant & bold with a touch of 90’s POP. 

Inspiration concept

Desktop wallpapers

Mobile Wallpapers

Instagram Posts & Spotify Playlist 



POP 25th Anniversary


POP 25th Anniversary
