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MINI: Shift Gears

Viewers of the print ad are prompted to download the Layar App, which allows phones to scan the ad and see links to video tutorials and takes users to the App Store where they can download the Shift Gears App.
Scanning over the car leads to a video on youtube that shows the steps of reversing manually. 
Scanning over the Shift Gears logo leads to the App Store where viewers are promted to dowload the app and begin their manual driving lessons. 
The Shift Gears App allows user to create a profile and learn the basics behind driving manually. The App will instruct users when to clutch and shift. Users will be able to perform the motions by moving their phones in the direction they should shift. The App includes multiple training courses to complete and once all are completed, users are able to race their friends and post their scores by connecting to other users via Facebook. 
Once connected to Facebook, users will be able to share their high scores, invite new friends to download the app, and promote races. The Facebook App will post on users newsfeeds when they are in the lead to stir up competition with their friends. 
Interactive web banner games will be placed on websites commonly used by the target, like Pandora. Similar to the Shift Gears App, users can practice driving manually by using arrow keys to clutch and shift. 
MINI: Shift Gears

MINI: Shift Gears

Problem: Recent college graduates aren’t aware that MINIs are affordable cars and are the best choice for their first car purchase. Solution: P Read More
