Olympic Art completed✨
I've been posting four flat design illustrations titled "Beijing Olympics Series" so far.
I've combined them and completed the Olympic Art 👏✨.

I was inspired to create the Olympic art after seeing on TV how athletes were suffering from the loss of sponsors due to the Covid-19 disaster.
I felt that sports itself was becoming more and more distant to people, so I decided to make an independent work on the theme of sports.

The font color was navy (from the color of the visual of the competition motto).
The font is DIN Condensed, which is long and thick like a sports poster.
Since the use of the Olympic symbol is prohibited, I used the colors of the Olympics to create an Olympic atmosphere.

I hope I can make the Olympics a little more exciting!
Let's all cheer in front of the TV 📣📣📣📣!

#カーリング #ロコソラーレ #藤澤五月 #吉田知那美 #curling #curler #satsukihujisawa #chinamiyoshida
#フィギュアスケート #紀平梨花 #figureskating #figureskater #rikakihira
#スピードスケート #髙木美帆 #speedskating #speedskater #mihotakagi
#スノーボード #平野歩夢 #snowboarding #boarder #ayumuhirano
#北京オリンピック #beijing2022 #オリンピックアート #スポーツアート #頑張るアスリートを応援 #オリンピック
Olympic Art


Olympic Art

Olympic Art completed✨ I've been posting four flat design illustrations titled "Beijing Olympics Series" so far. I've combined them and completed Read More
