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Vices: A tarot card project

Tarot card illustration.​​​​​​​
The theme is: "indulgence, chaos, & vice." Things that can be amazing, or absolutely awful....
Cups: Represented by a coup glass (or a martini glass depending on how you view it). The suite of cups is indicative of our relationships, emotionality, and connection with others. Cups also represent the element of water...a liquid that is both capable of being gentle and formative, or chaotic and destructive. 

Inside the glass is alcohol, a drug that is the ultimate of both sides of emotionality. It is capable of helping us get loose, have fun, and form new relationships. However, it can also cause us to sever connections, derail relationships, and cause irreparable harm to ourselves...and others. 
Pentacles: Represented by falling coins in various currencies. The suit of pentacles embodies our more material and earthy side. It corresponds to how we feel about work, business ventures, personal finances, and even health. 

Money can be a form of good. It can help us build generational wealth, lift us out of poverty, and help us pursue our dreams. Money can also cause immense damage to familial relationships, spur resentment and hate, and foster greed. 
Wands: I chose to represent wands using the vice of smoking. Whether it's a cigarette or... the other stuff. Wands represent intuition, creativity, thought. It's associated with the element of fire which can be a force of good by helping us cook or keeping us warm, but it can also destroy everything in its path. 

Smoking as a vice, embodies this. It can help you tap into your creativity and drop your inhibitions. However, this addiction can also cause a loss of health, money, and stability. 
Swords: I selected a shoe for this that is traditionally associated with sexuality, but can also represent power, cunning, and hidden strength. 

The vice of sexuality can be deceiving. Things aren't always what they seem. You can find strength in owning your sexuality, being who you are, and walking with power. It can free your mind and allow you to take on the world. The reverse, however, can be complicated relationships and power dynamics, hurt, isolation, and disconnection from others. 
Vices: A tarot card project

Vices: A tarot card project
