From the tiniest details to the most monumental events, we are frequently puzzled. When we become too absorbed in our uncertainty, we may become confused, dizzy, and lose sight of time and sense. These are challenges that I personally struggle with. Every now and then, I'll get a panic attack out of nowhere, sometimes when I've just woken up, sometimes when I'm eating, and occasionally in any other situation you can think of. What makes it worse is that sometimes when the attack occurs, there is nothing wrong with the environment, yet I still manage to become confused and disoriented, and it hurts more at times than at others.

Having said that, I don't believe I'm the only one who's had this issue. Some people have it worse than I do. The sensation that we are losing control of our lives. Even typing it on a "Wordpad" makes me anxious since it appears to be a minor issue, but it is not. Too many people dismiss it, believing it to be a type of attention seeking or something similar, but they have no clue how bad it is. Hold on… I am deviating from the artworks, am I not? I just realized that now. So, let's see... The artworks I've produced are a way of expression for the struggles that people across the world, including myself, are facing. The spirally thoughts (artwork 1), the doubts (artwork 2), the bewildered mind (artwork 3) and the trapped emotions (artwork 4) are the artworks' tributes to not being able to guide the mind properly.

I sometimes wish that all my issues would simply vanish, but I sometimes believe that it would be better if they stayed with me. I mean, isn't it true that all these artworks exist now because of these ridiculous problems? Personally, I have no idea. I'm confused.
Confused & Disoriented

Confused & Disoriented
