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PHP Review & Rating Script

Product Review & Rating PHP Script

What Our PHP Review & Rating Script Offers You?

Our ready to use Product review script can help you to launch your own star rating platform like TrustPilot in less time. This PHP Review script is a unique yet effective PHP script which is used for posting customer ratings and reviews. Users are not required to do any registration, they can easily post their reviews by just entering their name and valid email address.
This PHP Products & Services review script has the unique feature of filtration of ratings on the basis of user name, date and time of posting, and more. This script also supports email notifications through which whenever a new review has been posted, the admin will be notified instantly via email.
Admin has the full control over the reviews, they can control rating status to filter bad reviews. Also, with the help of a useful dashboard, admin can check all the latest reviews, ratings & reviewers instantly at one place.

PHP Review & Rating Script

PHP Review & Rating Script
